
Welcome to Magical Practic, where the alchemy of practical digital solutions meets the enchantment of soulful wellbeing practices.

This shop is a product of working in the digital realm in various roles such as Solutions Architecture, Website Platform Sales, and Strategic Account Management. While the professional life supported loads of travel, building a life on an acreage, and many other material pleasures; there was a curious, spirited, creative side itching to be seen. The shop is the emergence of both these sides. 

Life, after all, is a dance of Yin and Yang, and we've found the beauty in embracing both ends of the spectrum —a place where practical tools take on a magical spin.

A little about the curator: I'm a whimsical soul who grounds myself with lists and digital tools. The products in this shop are all solutions I use myself!

Midwest born and raised, I've traveled a fair share and moved around to many cities before settling in South Dakota. I recently was engaged to the love of my life and father of our adorable almost two year old. 

My hope is you can find solutions through Magical Practic that allow you to infuse a touch of magic into your everyday while gaining clarity and order as we navigate this beautiful, chaotic world. <3